Friday, January 23, 2009

It's good to be here.

I am glad...

...the unusual freeze is over and normal Tennessee winter weather is back. have a toddler/pre-schooler free weekend. have had a few responses on jobs I'm pursuing.

...I'm having a FREE facial tomorrow.

...I have a warm house, nourishing food, and healthy, mad-funny children. have a sweet new baby nephew and another sweet not-so-newborn baby nephew. have mapped out a diverse 5k running trail! spend this evening with my friends.

...have a sister I love and miss so much.

...the sister I love and miss so much is so in love with a guy who is so in love with her. have goals and aspirations! let Wil think he's eating a "teeny, tiny s'getti sandwich" if he so pleases. be the person Justin misses and looks forward to coming home to. have such a kick-ass public library. have a trip to Mexico on the distant horizon. be here, breathing in and out, everday.



  1. Well said.

    When I am feeling all pissy, which is often lately, I try really hard to list [in my head] all the things that really are OK in my life, things that are actually more than OK, things that are just plain fantabulous.

    Well said.
    Thanks for the reminder. I might need to make a few lists today.

  2. Terri,
    Thanks! That is the second time you've commented on my bloggy blog and in both you've referenced lists! I love your lists! Comfort by lists! Story of my life! You go make your list and I'm going to blog about it!
