6 Degrees of Seperation? More like 2!!
I realized while drafting an email the other day, how MySpace and Facebook have entirely reduced the 6 Degrees of Seperation to about 2 degrees.
It's creepy - I've lived all over the US and I have a handful of close friends who I've stayed in touch with through every move. I used to pride myself on being the kind of friend who stays in touch. MySpace and Facebook make the world seem so small (and cheap!).
I'm not one to really search through profiles of friends and their friends because it is simply OVERWHELMING! It spins out of control when you think about it, but I have done it - you know who you are! I guess it depends on my mood or if I'm bored at work...
Making a list of people I know who DO NOT have a MySpace and /or Facebook would be much less work than making a list of those who do. What is that? And to browse them all, you see just such a different side of the people you think you know. And of course, you do the whole "Would I even be friends with you if I just saw your profile? thing" and even if you find them, you don't always want them to find you, who knows why. I'm telling you - it's fucking creepy!
I do my best NOT to get addicted, but sadly - I think it surpasses e-mail and the address book I've painstakingly kept up with forever for keeping in touch with people anymore. With MySpace and Facebook, you don't need to remember any email addresses other than your own.
What would we do if MySpace / Facebook was shut down or went out of service all the sudden one day? The only thing I can imagine that would annoy me more is losing my cell phone (only because it has irreplaceable phone numbers in the phone book).
I've had a MySpace for about 14 months now and as much as I resist, I rely on it! Ugg! I mean I am a staunch believer in my old fashioned Franklin Planner - I cannot adopt the technology of a Palm Pilot - I mean what if the battery up and died on me? I cannot give up my check register - even though my husband INSISTS that I am stubborn like a mule and QuickBooks would work financial miracles for us. We use it for his business, I am GOOD at QuickBooks and I still refuse to use it for personal use. I don't think you should find out the sex of your baby until it is born! I am a technology whiz in most areas, but there are some things I think are sacred and need to stay HUMAN!
Questionnaire for everyone who stopped talking to me
8 months ago